Rijkswaterstaat to award A16 motorway project to De Groene Boog

Rijkswaterstaat, the government agency responsible for the design, construction, management and maintenance of the Netherlands’ main physical infrastructure, intends to award the A16 motorway project to De Groene Boog consortium. The consortium partners – BESIX Group, Dura Vermeer Groep, Van Oord PPP, John Laing Investments Limited, RebelValley and TBI PPP – will be responsible for designing, building and pre-financing the project.

The consortium will also be responsible for a twenty-year maintenance period. Construction is expected to start in early 2019. Work on the A16 will be completed in 2024.

Value for money

Rijkswaterstaat selected the consortium’s tender because it offered good value for money, also known as the ‘Most Economically Advantageous Tender’ (MEAT). The MEAT approach makes better use of the innovative power and creativity of the market. Rijkswaterstaat assessed the various tenders on such criteria as 'sustainability', 'risk management' and 'nuisance reduction'.

Award procedure

Three different consortia submitted tenders in early 2018. Following the provisional award, made known to candidates on 8 March 2018, the consortia that were not awarded the contract will have a twenty-day period in which to object.

About the A16 Rotterdam

Traffic congestion clogs the A13 motorway at Overschie and the A20 between Kleinpolderplein and Terbregseplein almost every day. To improve access to and quality of life in the Rotterdam region, Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) plans to construct a new motorway: the A16 Rotterdam. The motorway will be located along the northeast periphery of Rotterdam and will link to the N471, Ankie Verbeek-Ohrlaan and Terbregseplein. The route will cut through Lage Bergse Bos, where a semi-immersed tunnel will be constructed. Noise pollution will be averted by using extra noise-reducing asphalt on the A16 road surface (dual-layer fine porous asphalt, ZOAB) as well as noise barriers and earth embankments. The road will be incorporated into the landscape as effectively as possible and will be energy-neutral for 20 years. Adjoining areas, such as Terbregseveld, Vlinderstrik and Lage Bergse Bos, will be re-landscaped and connected by cycling and walking paths. For more information, visit the RWS project website www.a16rotterdam.nl.

Projected Route A16

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